Fire-risk models
Fire-risk models
Carmel Y, Paz S, Jahshan F, Shoshany M. 2009. Assessing fire risk using Monte Carlo simulations of fire spread. ForestEcology and Management 257(1):370-377.
van Leeuwen WJD, Casady GM, Neary DG, Bautista S, Alloza JA, Carmel Y, Wittenberg L, Malkinson D, Orr BJ. 2010.Monitoring post-wildfire vegetation response with remotely sensed time-series data in Spain, USA and Israel. International Journal of Wildland Fire 19:75-93.
Paz S, Carmel Y, Jahshan F, Shoshany M. 2011. Post-fire Analysis of Pre-fire mapping of fire-risk: A recent case study from Mt. Carmel (Israel). Forest Ecology and Management 262(7):1184-1188.
Spatially-explicit models of Biodiversity
Spatially-explicit models of Biodiversity
Hadar, Liat & Orenstein, Daniel & Carmel, Yohay & Mulder, J. & Kirchhoff, Agnes & Perevolotsky, Avi & Osem, Yagil. (2021). Envisioning future landscapes: A data-based visualization model for ecosystems under alternative management scenarios. Landscape and Urban Planning. 215. 104214. 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104214.
Shabtay, Ateret & Portman, Michelle & Ofir, Eyal & Carmel, Yohay & Gal, Gideon. (2018). Using ecological modelling in marine spatial planning to enhance ecosystem-based management. Marine Policy. 95. 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.06.018.
CarmelY, Stoler-Kavari L. 2006. Comparing environmental and biological surrogates for biodiversity at a local scale. Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 52(1):11-27.
Moilanen A, Runge MC, Elith J, Tyre A, Carmel Y, Fegraus E, Wintle B, Burgman M, Ben-Haim Y. 2006. Planning for robust reserve networks using uncertainty analysis. Ecological Modelling 199:115-124.
Dolev A, Carmel Y. 2009. Distribution of threatened–unprotected vertebrates as a basis for conservation planning. IsraelJournal of Ecology and Evolution 55(2):117-132.
Kent R, Carmel Y. 2011. Evaluation of five clustering algorithms for biodiversity surrogates. Ecological Indicators 11:896-901.
Kent R , Carmel Y. 2011. Presence-only vs. Presence-absence data in species composition determinant analyses. Diversity & Distributions 17:474-479.
Kent R, Bar Massada A, Carmel Y. 2011. Multiscale analyses of mammal species composition – environment relationship in the contiguous USA. PLoSONE 6(9):e25440.
Federman R, Kent R, Carmel Y. 2013. Irrigation as an important factor in species distribution models. Basic and Applied Ecology 14:651–658.
Kent R, Bar-Massada A, Carmel Y. 2014. Bird and mammal species composition in distinct geographic regions and their relationships with environmental factors across multiple spatial scales. Ecology and Evolution 4(10):1963-1971.
Troupin D, Carmel Y. 2016. Landscape patterns of development under two alternative scenarios: implications for conservation. Land Use Policy 54:221-234.
Gueta T, Carmel Y. 2016. Quantifying the value of user-level data cleaning for big data: a case study using mammal distribution models. Ecological Informatics 34:139-145.
Nezer O, Bar-David, S, Gueta T, Carmel Y. 2017. High-resolution species-distribution model based on systematic sampling and indirect observations. Biodiversity and Conservation, 26(2): 421–437.
Spatial model of air-pollutionversity
Spatial model of air-pollution
Yuval Z, Broday D, Carmel Y. 2005. Mapping spatio–temporal variables: the impact of the time–averaging window width on spatial accuracy. Atmospheric Environment 39(20):3611-3619.
Eitan O, Barchana M, Linn S, Yuval, Dubnov J, Carmel Y, Broday D. 2010. Spatial analysis of air pollution and cancer incidence rates in Haifa Bay, Israel. Science of the Total Environment 408(20):4429-4439.
Ecosystem models
Ecosystem models
Makler V, Gal G, Gorfine M, Hipsey M, Carmel Y. 2011. Sensitivity analysis for complex ecological models – a new approach.Environmental Modelling & Software 26:124-134.
Makler-Pick V, Hipsey M, Zohary T, Carmel Y, Gal G. 2017. Intraguild predation dynamics in a lake ecosystem based on a coupled hydrodynamic-ecological model: the example of Lake Kinneret (Israel). Biology, 6:2 22.
Eshel G, Carmel Y. 2017. Expanded View of Ecosystem Stability: A Grazed Grassland Case Study. PLoSONE, 12(6) e0178235.
Shabtay A, Portman M, Gal G, Ofir E, Carmel Y. 2018. Using ecological modelling in marine spatial planning to enhance ecosystem-based management. Marine Policy 95:14-23.
Spatio-temporal error propagation models
Spatio-temporal error propagation models
Carmel Y, Dean DJ, Flather CH. 2001. Combining location and classification error sources for estimating multi-temporal database accuracy. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing 67(7):865-872.
Carmel Y. 2004. Characterizing location and classification error patterns in time-series thematic maps. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing letters 1(1):11-14.
Carmel Y, Dean DJ. 2004. Performance of a spatio-temporal error model for raster datasets under complex error patterns.International Journal of Remote Sensing 25 (23): 5283-5296.
Carmel Y. 2004. Controlling data uncertainty via aggregation in remotely sensed data. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 1(2):39-41.
Miscellaneous models
Miscellaneous models
Segre, Hila & Carmel, Yohay & Shwartz, Assaf. (2021). Economic and not ecological variables shape the sparing‐sharing trade‐off in a mixed cropping landscape. Journal of Applied Ecology. 10.1111/1365-2664.14092.
Hadar, Liat & Orenstein, Daniel & Carmel, Yohay & Mulder, J. & Kirchhoff, Agnes & Perevolotsky, Avi & Osem, Yagil. (2021). Envisioning future landscapes: A data-based visualization model for ecosystems under alternative management scenarios. Landscape and Urban Planning. 215. 104214. 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2021.104214.
Altman T, Carmel Y, Gueta R, Zaslavsky D, Doytsher Y. 2005. Assessment of an “Energy Tower” potential in Australia using a mathematical model and GIS. Solar Energy 78(6): 799-808.
Bar Massada A, Carmel Y, Gruenzweig JM, Yakir D, Even Tzur G. 2006. Assessment of temporal changes in above-ground forest tree biomass using aerial photographs and allometric equations. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36(10):2585-2594.
Bar Massada A, Carmel Y. 2008. Incorporating output variance in local sensitivity analysis for stochastic models. Ecological Modeling 213:463-467.
Bar-Massada A, Kent R, and Carmel, Y. 2014. Environmental heterogeneity affects the location of modeled communities along the niche-neutrality continuum. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 281:20133249.
Carmel, Y., Suprunenko, Y. F., Kunin, W. E., Kent, R., Belmaker, J., Bar-Massada, A. and Cornell, S. J. (2017), Using exclusion rate to unify niche and neutral perspectives on coexistence. Oikos. doi:10.1111/oik.04380
Steele K, Carmel Y, Cross J, Wilcox C. 2009. Uses and Misuses of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in Environmental Decision-Making. Risk Analysis 29(1):26-33.