Dr. Avi Bar Massada is a spatial and landscape ecologist who develops and studies ecological models, and uses these models to answer fundamental ecological questions in community ecology, biogeography, and pyrogeography. Avi has a deep background in spatial and landscape ecology, ecological modeling, remote sensing, and wildfire science. The core of his research focuses on understanding how spatial patterns of ecological phenomena are formed, how they can be quantified, and how these spatial patterns affect various ecological processes, especially those related to the diversity and distribution of organisms across multiple spatial scales from local to continental, and the interactions between human settlements and wildfire. To answer these questions, he uses a variety of scientific approaches, including simulation models, spatial pattern analyses, multivariate statistics, GIS, and remote sensing.
Avi received his PhD from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in 2008. After that, Avi has worked for four years as a Research Associate and then as an Assistant Scientist in the Department of Forest and Wildlife Ecology at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Avi is a faculty member in the Department of Biology and Environment, University of Haifa at Oranim since the Fall of 2012.
You can find his PhD thesis here